Proverbs 2:1-5
I have read a devotion material that gives a very good description to understand the intensity of this verse. It is like making preparation to having own your very first dream car. You search the advertisements and visit the showroom to find that dream car that can meet your budget. You search online forums and post discussions on the feedback and reviews of the car choices. In the midst of all this, you suddenly realised that you are always keeping a lookout for that dream car of yours on the road! And if that is not enough, you sometimes dream of yourself driving that dream car, that is soon to be a reality. Your word revolves around that dream car and it seems like all you would like to talk about is that dream car that is fast becoming a reality : )
Sound familiar?
Well, as mention in the book of Proverb, the pursuit of God is very much similar to that experience of acquiring your dream car. It all over you, it consumes you and in the end you find out so much about it that it just becomes a integral part of your everyday life. Make it a point to pursue God with all that you have and then you will understand the fear of the Lord.
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