Ever wondered why when someone raved about a “must-read” book and when you got hold of it, you find it “so-so”. Well, that happens to me lots and the only reason for that is that books only appeal if they speak to your season in your life at that point in time.
For me, I have tried countless times to read through the”Purpose Driven Life” and in all attempts, failed miserably. This is in spite of all the accolades awarded on this book. Well, the fault isn’t really with Pastor Rick Warren, it’s just that when all things are rosy, things in the book were taken as a given…in short, not hungry enough.
Many years later, the book has turned yellow from the permanent position given on the book shelve and now in all its “glory”, the book has turned out to be a great devotion, a defining read in my life.
One of the facts stated is this:
“Many studies have revealed that the average person possesses from 500 to 700 different skills and ability – far more than you realise… You are a bundle of incredible abilities, an amazing creation of God. Part of the church’s responsibility is to identify and release your abilities for serving God”
Come to think of it, AMAZING is an understatement. However, reality only has it that we are to sieve through the many skills that we have and find out that which God has given for eternal purposes. I think we tend to miss this step and in the bustle of everyday life, or rather in the quest to make ends meet, this essential quality of life has been downplayed, many terming it as the idealistic lifestyle that do not exist.
However, we have also seen many successes that result from people that have discovered their skills and they are put into good use in seasons that God has prepared. (Without Bill Gates, the world of software would be a different place, Warren Buffet and his ability to read markets in a contrarian manner)
So what is more important? Finding THAT skill or just carry on chasing the rat race and trying to survive it? The key is always balance, finding THE skill takes many trial and error, we have so many and we need to try them out to see which is so natural and it almost don’t feel like work when you are doing it. Motivation is still present in different times.
It’s worth the effort to take time to discover, because when you find that, you find life. Life that God has ordained for you.
Determine your shape today..start now.
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