In the Bible, I have often read about miracles of God delivering God’s people from dire situations. Moses at the Red sea when chased by the Egyptians, Daniel rescued from the Lion’s den, Elijah fed by ravens when on the run, God’s many alternative (not too say the most unconventional warfare techniques) methods of winning a war (Joshua, Gideon, just to name a few) and the list goes on.. There is definitely one that tells us of the providing nature of God, the provision of food to multitudes just by 5 loafs of bread and 2 fishes belonging to that of a young boy!
Perhaps the most evident show of Power is found right at the beginning .. at Genesis 1.
6 days… this is all the time required by God to create a universe with life forms. Talk about effective time planning and maximum productivity! Not bad for an average work week for God and to top it off, he manages to get one off day..wow!
God took 6 days to form a universe and in that context of a show of power, Genesis 1:26 begin to take a new meaning.
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." Genesis 1:26
We need to awaken to the fact that we were created with the same power that has allowed Creator God to make the universe in just 6 days. Some say that we only utilise a small fraction of what the power of the mind can achieve and it is evident that a focused mind can do wonders.
Armed with this knowledge, it’s time to arise and tap on that power that God has created you with and above all, showed us many examples of how that power can be utilised to fulfil his purposes in this temporal assignment on earth.
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