What is you mission?
Pondering over this question has made me realised one thing. The desire to reach out has slowed over the years compared to the times when I was just a new covert more than 10 years ago.
What has changed?
I am older now, more responsibilities, becoming more socially aware of human emotions, human pride or looking good has sometimes become more important than looking foolish for Jesus. Social achievement becomes far more important than just talking about Jesus and I believe one of the most damaging lies is that it is absolutely mandatory to become successful to be able to talk to others about Jesus. People don’t listen to “unsuccessful” people.
By successful, I meant “a certain social status” in financial terms.
Indeed, my mindset has been clouded dramatically.
While Jesus did not say that it is wrong to be successful, it is important that we remain focused on the “mission” of reaching out even in our successes.
Addressing the earlier issue of needing to be “successful” prior to reaching out, a mindset change is required to know that it is by genuine love and concern; a heart can be changed, regardless of social status. Without the equivalent of a social status, the initial might be difficult but as time goes by (as it is still true that being successful has certain leverage), these surfaces can be chiselled away by the sincere heart.
Also, we need to be aware that the biblical model of prosperity can be in many forms, not just financial. You can be poor and still prospering in your Spirit or you can be so rich financially but still feel empty inside.
Rick Warren’s dad lifetime mission was to “got to save one more for Jesus”; I believe that this should be our primary mission in life too.
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