Friday, February 6, 2009

Daddy's Hands

"I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Joshua 1:5
Being a father of 2 boys, I understand that there are times when it is necessary for them to go through hard times for the longer gain of maturing their thoughts and more importantly, character. During the whole process, the boy might feel a sense of being left to fend for himself, but one thing he will come to realise is that the father's hand is always at near, the father's eyes are always watching and is always ready to come in and help when he know that they are at their limits.
This season, it's feels like free fall with our family taking on a new journey of being counter culture. A season whereby we give precedence to God's work and investing more time into the family and a season whereby we are not in the grain of the 9 to 5 office work. Tough, many mindsets are adjusted and limits being challenged but above all, God is more real than ever before. The Word is more real in our daily lives. Holy Spirit is our constant Helper and we know that God is watching and He delights in His children.

God has a plan for me, a story for me to experience and to tell in future. Above all, I want to follow the script in God book of life to allow Him build the custom house He has intended for me. My future is secure in God's lovely hand.


blog template by : header hand photo by Aaron Murphy