Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Pain - A Good Thing?

I have tried and I cannot find, wither in Scripture or history, a strong-willed individual whom God used greatly until He allowed him to be hurt deeply.
Charles R. Swindoll

Champions are made in the valleys of life. In times of comfort, human nature tends to be more complacent and thus, dependence on God can be lesser. It is through times of molding by our Daddy in Heaven that we learn to know Him and depend on Him more. Even though we might rant, complain and even curse the day we were born, our loving God allows us to go through this to sieve out the dross from our character.

I love the nature of God that He does not expect us to be perfect. In Psalms, we see so often David pouring out his heart to God and God is ever so patient and listening to Him. In the end, God made Him King. Not just an ordinary one, one of the greatest in History!

Jeremiah is a prophet used mightily by God and he has to go through much suffering for this cause. Even in the midst of his complaints, Jeremiah admits in Jeremiah 20:9

But if I say,"I will not mention him or speak anymore in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed I cannot.
Jeremiah 20:9

Jeremiah in spite of all the sufferings has allowed God to mold him in a manner that he cannot, but to fulfill his purpose as a prophet.

Read Jeremiah 20 to feel the pulse of the prophet's heart.


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